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Lidl GB is proposing a bespoke-designed new foodstore on London Road in Bath, which we believe will help to increase local shopping choice for people living on the eastern side of the city, offering all your favourite high-quality products at Lidl’s low prices.
Lidl GB is delighted to share the store plans with the community. Since we announced a deal to purchase from Bath Rugby land beside Bath RFC’s Lambridge training ground, Lidl’s design team has been developing proposals following initial engagement with local heritage stakeholders, including Bath Preservation Trust, and input from the Design West Review Panel of local architects.
This website outlines our store proposals and provides more detail about how the design has evolved. In the coming weeks we will submit a planning application to Bath & North East Somerset Council. Before that happens, we want to know what you think about the updated plans.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the proposals, please email lidllondonroadbath@new-stores.co.uk or call 0800 089 0361.
Please attend our community consultation event on Wednesday 17 May, 4pm-7pm in the club buildings at Lambridge Training Ground on London Road (in the car park opposite Lambridge Street) – all welcome! We will be there along with our full professional team to discuss any feedback you may have.
Being acutely aware of the local surroundings and the World Heritage Site designation, Lidl GB is proposing a sensitively-designed new foodstore, which will provide a spacious and attractive shopping environment for our customers. The proposals include:
A new Lidl foodstore with a sales area of 1,228m², within an appropriately designed landscaped setting.
Environmental features, including four rapid Electric Vehicle charging points, air source heat pumps, and a roof incorporating both a living ‘green roof’ and solar panels to provide sustainable energy to the store.
Low embodied carbon materials used in construction, including a timber frame for the main building structure.
Sensitively-designed building, incorporating local Bath stone and natural timber cladding into the building facades. The design has evolved through detailed pre-app consultation with BANES, Bath Preservation Trust and the Design West Review Panel.
Preserve and enhance existing habitats around the site to deliver a target net biodiversity gain of at least 30%. Extensive new tree and hedge planting, wildflower planting and a seasonal wetland area bordering London Road will enhance biodiversity and visually shield sections of the store.
Enhanced pedestrian and cycle access, including two new signalised pedestrian crossings across the London Road/Gloucester Road junction to benefit users of Lidl and Alice Park and substantially improve pedestrian access for local residents. Cycle parking, including for cargo bikes, will be offered close to the store entrance to encourage sustainable travel to the store.
Lidl’s latest in-store facilities, including the popular bakery and customer toilets with baby changing facilities.
Sensitively designed to take into account the character of its surroundings and the World Heritage Site designation, Lidl is proposing to incorporate local sustainable materials, such as Bath stone and natural timber cladding into the building facades. The store design has been developed following initial engagement with Bath & North East Somerset Council and key heritage stakeholders including Bath Preservation Trust, Historic England and the National Trust, and significantly benefits from the input of the Design West Review Panel of local architects.
Lidl’s proposed development aims to preserve and enhance existing habitats and improve biodiversity with a target net gain of more than 30%. The site’s existing woodland is in poor condition with species in poor health. Extensive new tree and hedge planting will strengthen and enrich the tree line with a net increase of 32 trees. Extensive ecological surveys have informed the plans which will, across the site, include 10 bird boxes, 20 bat boxes, bee towers, a bird bath and a habitat wall which creates spaces for insects.
Low embodied carbon materials are proposed in the construction of the store, including a Glulam timber frame for the primary structure of the building and natural building materials such as Bath stone and timber.
An independent Noise Assessment has found that noise levels from the store, including deliveries, will be low. The design also includes an internal loading bay, which is an acoustic enclosure, ensuring deliveries are unloaded within the building and noise transfer is mitigated. Car park lighting is switched off outside of trading hours. Internal and external lights will be designed at suitable lux levels to mitigate against any harm to habitats by the River Avon and the bats who use boundary woodland as flying corridors.
The store will typically have one to two HGV deliveries per day and appropriate restrictions will be agreed with the local planning authority to ensure deliveries are not made during the night. The delivery bay proposed is enclosed within the building and appropriately designed to mitigate noise and protect the wellbeing of our neighbours. Our delivery vehicles pick up all waste from the store on their return journey, reducing the number of deliveries, vehicle trips and CO² emissions.
We don’t believe that the Lidl store would have a significant impact on stores in Larkhall, Instead we will provide greater choice for local shoppers already travelling to a large supermarket to complete their weekly shop. Unlike the larger supermarkets, which typically stock around 25,000-30,000 lines, Lidl’s product range is limited to around 3,000 and mainly comprises own brand goods. Lidl do not have an in-house pharmacy, fishmongers or meat counter, nor do we accommodate customer cafes or Post Offices.
Since establishing itself in Great Britain in 1994, Lidl GB has experienced continuous growth and today has over 28,000 employees, over 935 stores and 13 distribution centres in England, Scotland and Wales.
The supermarket takes pride in providing its customers with the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices throughout Great Britain, from Kirkwall to the Isle of Wight. Social responsibility and sustainability are at the core of the company’s daily operations, with the company placing a strong emphasis on its responsibility for people, society, and the environment. Lidl GB is passionate about working with British producers and sources two thirds of its products from British suppliers.
For more information about Lidl GB visit corporate.lidl.co.uk
This proposal would deliver up to 40 new local jobs. The entry-wage for hourly paid staff is £11 an hour, in excess of the Real Living Wage, making the company one of the most competitive in the industry. Lidl does not operate zero hours contracts and offers excellent opportunities to develop and progress into our store management team.
Lidl first opened its doors in Great Britain in 1994 and currently has over 28,000 employees, over 935 stores and 13 distribution centres in England, Scotland and Wales. Lidl takes pride in providing top quality products at low prices.
The Lidl retail philosophy is focused on simplicity and maximum efficiency at every stage of the business, from supplier to customer, enabling the company to sell high quality own brand and well-known products at low prices.
We have pledged to invest £15 billion into British food and farming by 2025, with two thirds of our products coming from British suppliers, providing our customers with fresh, locally sourced, high quality produce at excellent value. 100% of our own-brand core eggs, milk, cream, butter, fresh beef and fresh primary chicken is British. We have signed the NFU Fruit and Veg Pledge and the Back British Farming Charter. All of our British fresh meat, dairy and fruit and veg is Red Tractor Assured.
Lidl GB sells over 100 different Fairtrade certified products throughout the year, from bananas originating from Colombia, tea picked in Kenya and cocoa for our chocolate, grown in Cote d’Ivoire. In addition to the products we sell all year round, we proudly support specific Fairtrade campaigns such as Fairtrade Fortnight.
The proposed store will meet Lidl’s high sustainability standards which are intended to minimise environmental impact over the lifetime of the store.